Course Archive Filter
Enable students to filter the course list based on certain criteria, allowing them to find their desired course more swiftly.
Introducing Course Archive Filter
Masteriyo’s Course Archive Filter offers students a quick way to find the right set of courses easily. Learners can look for and narrow down their search results based on specific criteria instead of having to manually search through loads of courses.

Search Course Name
Provide users with the freedom to find courses by entering course names in the search bar.

Utilize AJAX Behavior
Improve user experience by removing the need to refresh the page every time users filter their choice. Instead of the page, only the course listing section is updated.

Find Courses Based on 5 Factors
Let users filter courses based on pricing, category, difficulty, rating, and price type. These criteria help navigate among many classes in no time.

Sort Courses in Ascending or Descending Order
Improve users’ navigation ability by helping them look for the courses by sorting courses in ascending or descending order.
Get started with free version first & later extend with premium packages as you need.
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